Coffee in hand, he lifted to take a sip, but stopped short…  His coffee suspended mid way between the table and his mouth.

“If only they knew…” the young man thought, blankly staring through the window as people walked by him on the street.

“Knew what?” the waitress asked, fresh pot of coffee in hand ready to pour…

“Nothing” he sighed, feigning a smile.

She poured him more coffee and left him to the squakbox of talking heads in his mind retelling all his failures, mistakes, and missed opportunities…

Current headline, “This just in, missed opportunity to be authentic” followed up by “Idiot almost bears all.”

He promised himself he’d be more careful next time.

Feigning Perfection while Dying Within

Have you ever almost let your secret slip out – that one that you hide deep down inside yourself hoping that no one will ever find?

[KiwiClickToTweet tweet=”The greatest of human tragedy is the tension between love and fear. #lovewins #Godislove” quote=”The greatest of human tragedy is the tension between love and fear.  “]
  1. Fear of judgment for being who we are
  2. Longing for the loving acceptance of who we really are.

And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching Him and falling on his knees before Him, and saying, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed. Mark 1:40 – 42

Is Jesus is willing?

As Christians, we often come to Jesus asking if He is “willing?”

How often do we end our prayers with, “if it’s your will.” as if to give God the wiggle room He needs to not respond to your cries for help, healing, mercy, grace, love, etc.

Of Course Jesus is willing!

Jesus said to the leper, “I am willing; be cleansed.”

And, He says it to you too.  In Christ, we find the answer to our tragedy – the ability to bear all of ourselves before Him and be looked upon with love.

Go to God in your shame and in the things you’d rather hide and invite Him there – He is willing to love those parts of you as well.

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